About KLRCO Services

KLRCO Services had its roots all the way back to 1990. Robert’s training and exposure to the world of plumbing began, and he excelled. With this new found experience Robert attended North Orange County ROP Vocational School and completed with honors a three year plumbing course in only two.

In 1993 Robert became a licensed contractor and with the help of his wife, they began the company that would support them and their family. As Robert’s family grew and their plumbing and drain business grew, it wouldn’t be until some ten years later the business would  adopt the name KLRCO Services, after the name of their family; Kelly&Luis Renteria

orange county ca plumber

As KLRCO Services thrived the financial crisis of 2008, like many others who were affected, resulted in a huge blow to the Orange County plumbing business.  Setbacks and downsizing were inevitable.

But KLRCO Services survived.

Resorting to only his truck, his knowledge and the rapport he had built with the community since 1990, Robert maintained his clientele and KLRCO Services started to rise again.

“KLRCO Services is a plumbing business that has kept a family going. For over 20 years it has been a resource for the many faithful clients who depend on our plumbing service. Yet, growth is a part of life that many times is expressed in striving and working out potentials. Sticking by each other’s side has kept this business going and we anticipate furthering its reaches. These are the day to day interests but all of us somehow or another want to touch the future.

The development of KLRCO into a bigger entity is not one based simply on profits and hoarding mass markets. Our business is a means to further Robert’s endeavors, provide a future for any up and coming Renterias, and hopes we can cast a greater vision for the community we influence today.”
           –Kelly and Robert Renteria, KLRCO Services


**Special Note**

Robert began college courses in 2009 to pursue vocational ministry. He has completed a Bachelors degree and is currently working on a Masters to become involved in vocational ministry. Robert sees KLRCO Services as a means to maintain his family and home, yet pursue his studies and work in ministry. The autonomous business has morphed into a catalyst for these endeavors.